
Exercise of the Month

Stability Ball Push-ups
By using a stability ball and keeping your body rigid during push-ups, you will develop stabilizing muscles around the mid section and hips. Target muscle groups: chest, shoulders, triceps, lower back, and abs.

Roll forward placing your body weight on your hands until stability ball rests under your shins. Your body should be extended in a straight line from the stability ball.

Lower your upper body towards floor, bending at the elbows to perform push-ups. Keep the abdominal muscles tight. Keep the body tight and straight from shoulders to toes.

Return to start position.

Or for increased difficulty, roll the ball back so only your feet are resting on it.


MZB said...

I have a ball, thanks for the tips mine is currently used as a clothes drop in my closet. I will attempt your suggestions thanks, I need AB help

chchoo said...

This is a great idea, H! Kirk and I tried getting a fitness blog together, but I can't even keep up with one so two was impossible. I showed Afton how to do pushups last week. She does them better than me. But I can run farther! 2 1/2 miles yesterday!!