
Survival Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving Dinner

• Skipping breakfast and lunch is a sure recipe for overeating at the Thanksgiving table.
• Our bodies aren’t meant to handle 2,000-3,000 calories all at once and will store excess calories as fat.
• Better to eat smaller amounts and drink lots of water throughout the day and really enjoy a healthful dinner.
• Control your portion sizes: Draw a 12-inch dinner plate in your mind and divide it into three-inch-sized circles with each one representing one food group: proteins, vegetables and starches. The key is to stay within your circle for each food group: If you like turkey and ham, fit a little of both in one circle.
• If you’re worried about the food choices, bring your own low-calorie dish or veggie tray to family gatherings.
• Be active: Go for a bike ride, a long brisk walk, a run or spend at least one hour at your local gym to burn calories before the big Thanksgiving meal.
• Plan a family event that involves physical activity—a pick-up game of basketball, a snowball fight, a long brisk walk outdoors or a family bike ride—before, during or after the big meal.
• Be mindful of your alcohol intake: Mixed drinks tend to have high amount of concentrated sugar and quickly add empty calories. One glass of wine may be reasonable, but remember alcohol contains about 7 calories per gram, which makes it nearly twice as fattening as carbohydrates or protein.