Bowling for Birthdays
Ellie's request, after the party in class, was to go to a movie, bowl and eat pizza then go home and have cake and open presents. We did it all! What a day! We saw Enchanted which was a really cute movie that I would recommend for your holiday viewing pleasure.
Posted by Holly at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Baby!
It was the last day of school and Ellie's birthday on Thursday. We had a Christmas party and Sydney and I helped with the treat.
Posted by Holly at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Marcia and Siblings
Joe's uncle past away and we drove to the funeral in Utah last week. It was a really nice service. It was nice to meet a lot of Joe's relatives. Marcia, Lucy, Randall, Margaret.
Posted by Holly at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Christmas day sledding.
We went to Smith park tonight with Nephi and Katherine. It was a little cold, but really really fun!
Posted by Holly at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Christmas Party Time
So sorry it has been over a month since I have posted. Aerobicgirl is also realtorgirl and I have been so busy at both! Another semester has ended and lots of college students are now going home to put back on all the weight they lost in my class over Christmas. It is sure fun teaching and getting to know about 240 new students each semester. I absolutley love teaching! This winter semester I am also teaching water aerobics again, I am excited to get in the pool. In Realtor news- I am thrilled that on Saturday I got an excepted offer on a house that I have been trying to find for a really nice couple from Lake Havasu. I have been working with them since September. If it closes next month, I will have Joe beat $$ on his top transaction- yeah, its a REALLY nice house. I hope I don't jinx myself by bragging before this thing closes! (I was knocking on wood while typing- so I should be ok.)
I really enjoy reading every one's blogs - sometimes all I have time to do is quickly read what everyone is up to and I don't take the time to post. Thanks to all my friends and family who take the time. You are all great examples and I wish I could say I will be better. I guess it's good that i am busy. I wish everyone a really MERRY CHRISTMAS, just in case I don't get those Christmas cards out! I love you all and hope to see you sometime during the season.
This picture is after a Realtor party Joe and I went to. Joe took the picture and Sydney refused to get in the picture, so that's why its just me, mazie and ellie.
Posted by Holly at 3:27 PM 1 comments